Thursday, January 10, 2008

Shit Talk

Following is an exchange between my niece and I

*sim* says: wat does when shit hits the fan
Rups Inc. says: imagine...
Rups Inc. says: what happens when...
Rups Inc. says: shit hits the fan...
Rups Inc. says: ?
Rups Inc. says: ?
*sim* says: it goes everywhere
*sim* says: EEEEWWWW
Rups Inc. says: GREAT
Rups Inc. says: it's just as simple as that
*sim* says: y do u think about those things?
Rups Inc. says: it's life
*sim* says: has tht happened to u
Rups Inc. says: shit happens
*sim* says: ???
*sim* says: just jokin
Rups Inc. says: so as a person...
Rups Inc. says: you have to think of ways to not let shit hit the fan
Rups Inc. says: or think of ways to clean it up!
*sim* says: OH
*sim* says: gotchs
Rups Inc. says: see u're wiser!
Rups Inc. says: shit does that to u!