Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Democracy a Joke?

Sustained growth in India would be all the more impressive if the government could pass its reforms. But the road is blocked by politics - The Economist

The statement accurately sums up the current state of affairs in India. It is a sad fact that India is the world's largest democracy but has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world. Which basically means that Indians are free to make their own choices but arent educated enough to make the right and informed ones.

Probably that is the exact reason why, for the past 5 decades India has had incompetent leaders leading the populous yet young and potentially highly productive nation. Disappointing locals and foreigners alike.

It is a vicious cycle that keeps feeding itself. India for awhile did see its ray of hope in Mr. Manmohan Singh, the accidental hero. However, given their coalition with the Communist Party, sadly there is little he can do (what an irony).

Much needed reforms are not coming through and FDI is just rushing into next door neighbour, China. Chinese leaders have a vision for the future, whereas, Indian leaders dream of the past, the RAJ.

Unfortunately, not much can be done. It will take this young nation some time to realise the power of democracy and how their choices can make a difference. Educated few need to crack along if they want a prosperous future. Perhaps a place to start could be the political arena itself.